Friday 6th of October 2023
8 pm > 10 pm – Loop screening
Duration: approx. 8 min
> Facebook event
City Hall
Place de l’Hôtel de Ville
62800 Liévin
Parking: Carrefour, Raoul Briquet and Gambetta car parks
Food trucks and refreshment stands on site
Monument video mapping
After Lens in 2022, the Agglomeration of Lens-Liévin invites the Video Mapping Festival for 2 events to discover one after the other, in 2 cities of the agglomeration: Liévin and Vimy!
For this first evening, the Video Mapping Festival will be celebrating culture and sport on the imposing facade of the Liévin City Hall!
In the first part (7:45 pm), discover a video mapping created by children from the organisation “Un coup de pouce pour grandir” during a participative workshop.
> Alongside the mapping:
Parade of residents in the colours of the Olympic Games (7:30 pm), Flashmob (7:40pm).
► In the Olympic spirit
Centuries ago, when the Olympic flame was born from the sun’s rays in Olympia, it had no idea that it would carry so many positive values around sport. Even today, athletes from the 5 continents come to the Games every 4 years, taking away their desire to surpass themselves, their cultures and their heritage.
Direction: Rémi SOYEZ
Animation: Rémi SOYEZ, Adrien TISON
Credits animation: Anaïs SALOMON
Original music: Aleksi AUBRY-CARLSON
► GoJO
To celebrate the arrival of the 2024 Olympic Games, the City Hall of Liévin comes alive with music and colors.
Creative team: Participative workshop – Centre Arc en Ciel, City of Liévin
With the participation of the association « Un coup de pouce pour grandir »
Supervising staff: Olivier SION
Editing and sound creation: Olivier SION
Video mapping on the Vimy City Hall
Saturday 7th of October – 8 pm > 10 pm
> More info
Video mapping created for the Video Mapping Festival organised by Rencontres Audiovisuelles.
With the support of the Hauts-de-France Region, DRAC Hauts-de-France and Agglomération de Lens-Liévin.
In collaboration with Lens-Liévin Tourisme and the City of Liévin.
Project proposed by the Pays d’Histoire department of the Communauté d’Agglomération Lens-Liévin.