
Friday 8th of September 2023
9 pm > 10:30 pm – Loop screening

Total duration of the creations: approx. 20 min
> Facebook event

City Hall
79 rue de Seclin
59175 Vendeville
Monument video mapping

Inhabitants from the Métropole Européenne de Lille take over the Vendeville City Hall’s facade and present their mapping created during participative workshops! Discover creations made by groups from Haubourdin, Lille, Loos and Vendeville.
Guinguette on site from 7:30 pm.

► The wild trail
Let’s break the ice and let nature take over.
Creative team: Participative workshop – Lille Sud Insertion, Lille
Supervising staff: Etienne Bonnet
Editing and sound creation: Etienne Bonnet
► Les Moulins TV
The teenagers of la Maison de Quartier Les Moulins host their big zapping, come and discover their favorite programs!
Creative team: Participative workshop – Maison de Quartier Les Moulins, Lille
Supervising staff: Stéphanie Léonard
Editing: Stéphanie Léonard
Sound creation: Géraldine Kwik
► Full moon
A strange light illuminates Vendeville tonight. Beware of creatures lurking in the shadows…
Creative team: Participative workshop – Association Itinéraires / Accueil de Jour Mistral Gagnant, Loos
Supervising staff: Etienne Bonnet
Editing and sound creation: Etienne Bonnet
The Vendeville City Hall is getting a makeover and triggers various reactions among people.
Creative team: Participative workshop – Espace Jeunes, Haubourdin
Supervising staff: Olivier SION
Editing and sound creation: Olivier SION
► At the Museum of Feline Arts
What happens when a cat decides to disturb the tranquility of an artist’s studio?
Creative team: Participative workshop – Municipal School of Fine Arts, Vendeville
Supervising staff: Etienne Bonnet
Editing and sound creation: Etienne Bonnet


Video mapping created for the Video Mapping Festival organised by Rencontres Audiovisuelles, as part of educational workshops.

With the support of the Hauts-de-France Region, DRAC Hauts-de-France and Métropole Européenne de Lille.
In collaboration with the City of Vendeville.


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